产品介绍 / Product Introduction
Polypropylene filter is a kind of firter that adopt ultra-fine polypropylene fiber as the filter media, is a fixed aperture deep filter element, filter media meet FDA requirements. Filtering accuracy ranging from 0.1um to 60μm, its unique low dropout, high liquidity, long using life characteristics, is pre-filtered first choice. All-polypropylene structure with stable performance and a wide range of chemical compatibility.
应用领域 / Application Fields
Pharmaceutical industry: Pharmaceuticals liquid, cell debris, biological products and so on.
Chemical industry: Organic solvents, chemicals, ink, plating fluid and so on.
Food industry: Drinking water, mineral water, soft drinks, beer, wine, cider and so on.
Other industries: Photosensitive resist, magnetic media, etc.
Electronics Industry: Reverse osmosis water filtration system pre-filter, deionized water pre-filter system.
Gas filter: Compressed air, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and other filter.
三、 产品规格及技术参数 / Specifications & Technical Parameters
过滤精度(Precision):0.1,0.2,0.45,0.65,1,2,3,5,10,20,30,60 (μm)。
滤芯长度(Filter Length):4"、5"、10"、20"、30"、40"。
密封材料:硅橡胶、丁腈橡胶、三元乙丙橡胶、氟橡胶 。 Sealing material: Silicone rubber, NBR, EPDM, Viton.
有效过滤面积(Effective filtration area):0.4~0.7 m/10" 。
滤芯直径(Filter diameter):69.0 mm。
最高工作温度(Maximum operating temperature):80℃,0.28MPa 。
最大正压差(The maximum positive pressure):0.42MPa(25℃)。
最大反压差(The maximum anti pressure):0.28MPa(25℃)。
灭菌条件:(Sterilization condition):121℃ 30 min。
Filter media: Polypropylene fiber membrane.
The up and downstream support material: Polypropylene.
支撑架及结构元件:聚丙烯 。
Support frame and structural components: Polypropylene.